Small Business Network of the Americas (SBNA)
Small and medium businesses employ more than half of the workforce in the Western Hemisphere, yet only a small percentage engage in international business. Recognizing the need to support these businesses and stimulate economic growth across our region, the United States launched the Small Business Network of the Americas (SBNA) in 2012.
SBNA is comprised of small business service providers helping more than two million entrepreneurs create jobs locally by connecting globally. Through SBNA, these centers of expertise connect with thousands of their counterparts throughout the Americas and extend their businesses’ links beyond national borders. Membership in SBNA is open to a wide variety of organizations providing services to entrepreneurs and small business owners. Small business development centers (SBDCs), incubators, accelerators, and other service providers are all welcome to join.
Many countries throughout the North America, South America, and the Caribbean are creating networks of community-based centers to help entrepreneurs and small business owners succeed and create jobs. Business people across the United States can walk into any of the more than 1,100 Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) operating nation-wide and get free one-on-one counseling or seek assistance on starting a business. Increasingly, business owners and entrepreneurs in many other countries in the Americas are also connecting with business advisors to develop new contacts and explore growth opportunities abroad.
To learn more and join the SBNA visit
Supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of State